Monday, November 29, 2010

Influences In Purchasing A Laptop

Factors influencing the purchase of a Laptop
There are many things to consider when purchasing a laptop. The weight, size of screen, applications, system power, price and support / warranty.
Weight plays a big factor in the purchase of laptops as students are expected to travel large distances with these machines on their back. Anything over five kilos is not recommended for anyone doing an extended amount of walking which is about 30 minutes or over without rest. To carry anything over that weight for any length of time can be painful and damaging to your back and posture. There also has to be some weight otherwise it could easily break if dropped. Laptops like MacBook Air are fine to use for essay writing or note taking and general browsing of the Internet. But their size makes them easily broken.

Size of screen:
The size of the laptop has an effect on weight as well. Most laptops come in sizes 13 inch to 15-inch screens. While the 13 inch is generally cheaper it is highly recommended to go for 15 or 17 inch screens if your course has anything to do with Graphics as it is impossible to work on something as detailed as Photoshop without a proper size screen.

Students must take into account which applications they will be using during their course before purchasing a laptop. If your course involves a lot of design plus media work an Apple laptop is recommended. If your course involves a lot of note taking, essay writing or Internet browsing then an ordinary laptop is usually recommended. However in recent times Apple laptops are now fully capable of doing all things other laptops can do and have access to many Microsoft applications.

System Power:
It is important to pick a laptop with fairly high specifications, as many applications these days require plenty of power. Ghz of 2.5 to 3 is what I would recommend as it is both powerful and reasonably cheap. A RAM of 2 GB is again recommended so your applications aren’t slow to open up. A Dual Core is a definite its ability to split up the load of your tasks means you will be able to handle many applications at once, This is essential for students. Finally it is important to chose which operating system you will use. Microsoft is the more mainstream operating system however it is prone to viruses and can be very complicated to use at times. Whereas the Apple operating system is very simple to use and is extremely resistant to viruses.

Price is more than likely the biggest factor influencing the purchase of laptops. Apple computers are usually twice as expensive as ordinary laptops with the same system specifications. However you are really getting your moneys worth when Apple laptops as they are very smooth to run and suit student lifestyle. But if you are on a small budget there is nothing wrong with other laptops but make sure to get anti-viral software because you will be bombarded with viruses the moment your laptop connects to the Internet.

Apple is well-regarded for having the best customer service out of all the laptop manufacturers not to mention there support website explains problems you may have in plain and simple English. The same cannot be said for Microsoft’s support service which at times feels like you are running through a maze as their site is difficult to navigate and they are unable to explain problems simply.
With most laptops you get a years parts and labour warranty, but is imperative that you purchase insurance because laptops are a big target for thieves these andstudents aren't renowned for looking after their property.

My Course:
I am currently studying Applied Psychology in college. This course requires a quite powerful laptop, as it must be able to run a vast array of applications. There is also a lot of graphic and media work, so a laptop of 15 to 17 inches is very useful. Many programs will need to be opened at once so a Dual Core is an absolute must. The complicated nature of this course means you need a laptop that is simple to use so Apple laptops are recommended. Weight is not as important as this college is easily accessible by public transport so you will not need to carry the laptop over your shoulder for a great length of time. But it is still recommended to get a laptop under 5 kilos to protect your posture and back. System power doesn’t have to be state of the art but just make sure it has a RAM of at least 2GB and a CPU power of 2.5 Ghz as this will cover most applications recommended specifications. You’re a student and are very prone to breaking things so I recommend insurance and Apple because of their simple to use construction’s and very highly regarded support staff. As for price that’s up to what you can afford. If thinking about getting an Apple laptop be ready to spend in the region of 1000 euros.

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